a woman came into the shop where i work and said she was painting gorillas. when she left i tried to draw a gorilla from memory. the ghost suited figure wears a gold face because he is important.
a ghost of a deceased person is visiting a fruiting tree. I have been burying a lot of things in recent drawings. dead people, treasure, gold and oil are often found underground.
speech bubbles are a new interest. you can play with whats inside, where it comes from and to whom it is directed. they are useful because its a symbol that we all know how to interact with. i often leave them blank because like most of the stuff we say, its not really important.
The bricks are like the grass I often paint. I enjoy the repetition and the subtle changes in the watercolor.
i lucked out because i have access to highly discounted Lascaux paints. the gouache line is particularly satisfying. they operate somewhere between acrylic and watercolors.
one reason i like repetition is that when an image appears in multiples you can compare it, notice similarities or differences. sometimes there is just power in numbers.
living in London I have learned to appreciate a long line. one should expect to wait in a line to do almost anything in this city. londoners also like getting explicit directions from overhead speakers. the joke is that the english would have made excellent communists.
the golden udder. this reminds me of something from an old myth. i imagine walking into a cave and the entire ceiling being covered by radiating golden udders. if you flip this drawing over they turn into golden burkas.
I keep thinking about your burka figures, especially in contrast to the golden utters. I have a grand commission for you upon my return (in 2 years).