Saturday, 24 April 2010


my thoughts this morning are of a couple that i would see from time to time in at gallery openings in london that would always coordinate their outfits. they were in their 30's and each time i saw them they would be wearing matching western get ups, biker gear or german bladerunner type outfit. who were these people?

the more i think about it, the more bizarre and rare this couple are. it's such a simple idea but i can't think of any couple that has done it. i am taking liberties assuming that they were a couple. they could be siblings or artists doing a prolonged performance or social scientists conducting an experiment. i can't even think of an example in the animal kingdom where mates synchronize outfits. the closest thing that comes to mind is one part of a duo (usually the male) putting his scent on his partner. we always think of it as the male marking his territory but maybe its a bonding ritual. a unifying scent.


i recently observed a pregnancy from beginning to birth and i am in awe of the human body. it is amazing what the female goes through and ultimately produces. amazing.

child birth is obviously as old as time and the human body has evolved in some amazing ways to facilitate this arduous process and to ensure the highest likelihood to survival for the infant. from the rearranging of the abdomen to accommodate the womb to the systematic release of appropriate hormones, it is an amazingly complex and somehow obvious process. as humans we are after all built for this very purpose.

that being said, i can't imagine going through this before the comfort and conveniences of modern medicine and society. the comfort that a specialist from the hospital provides to the sterile environment to the availability of foods, bulk stores and everything else that might be needed quickly. how did a mother take the time to ensure her child knew how to latch on and feed for the first time when she had to avoid being eaten by a bear?

its makes sense now why we tend to give birth to a single child at a time. if you gave birth to triplets anytime before... basically the last century, there was a very high likelihood that they wouldn't survive. be it a mountain lion or the weather or the factory, something would steal your focus away from the offspring.

the octomom is a nice symbol of the almost absurd plushness of our time. the body is being manipulated to produce an unnatural number of offspring and science has found a way to keep them alive. wanting that many children is a perverse manifestation of greed that has teamed up with our natural desire to procreate. the children aren't needed, nor can the mother properly care for them (emotionally or financially in this case) but she wants them, so she gets them and society accommodates, as it always has tried to.

i suppose we would eventually start growing extra nipples if we continued to give birth to multiple children at once.

Friday, 23 April 2010

float will be a while before the rising waters get to us on the third floor in brooklyn.

Friday, 2 April 2010

a test