my thoughts this morning are of a couple that i would see from time to time in at gallery openings in london that would always coordinate their outfits. they were in their 30's and each time i saw them they would be wearing matching western get ups, biker gear or german bladerunner type outfit. who were these people?
the more i think about it, the more bizarre and rare this couple are. it's such a simple idea but i can't think of any couple that has done it. i am taking liberties assuming that they were a couple. they could be siblings or artists doing a prolonged performance or social scientists conducting an experiment. i can't even think of an example in the animal kingdom where mates synchronize outfits. the closest thing that comes to mind is one part of a duo (usually the male) putting his scent on his partner. we always think of it as the male marking his territory but maybe its a bonding ritual. a unifying scent.
I met a couple in New Orleans once, an erotic fiction/sex ed author and her boyfriend, who made a habit of going out as 50's greasers. I only saw them do it that once, but they said they did it all the time.